2014年10月,美麗的石梯灣港口部落。「BenQ 東海岸音樂創作營」期間相遇難得一見的月全蝕,專輯《東海岸月光下》設計概念是將當時東海岸的月色、海風、星空和音樂,都收藏入專輯裝禎設計中,讓每一位打開專輯的聽者,透過觸摸與互動,感受東台灣美麗的海岸風景、月光濤聲、動人歌謠。 《東海岸月光下》包裝採用對地球友善的素材,符合「BenQ 東海岸音樂創作營」現地創作的質樸曲調,也試圖透過粗獷的紙質觸感,傳達土地與自然人文樣貌。 包裝外盒以厚磅牛皮製作成信封袋,傳遞樸實的手感。封面主視覺,層層疊印的深藍,彷如驚濤拍岸的海浪版畫線條,燙銀的星空,在每個角度閃爍著不同的光芒。 打開信封袋唱片盒,專輯收錄的曲目,設計成活動式星象盤,旋轉指引出每一首歌名與作詞編曲人,翻開星象盤,彷彿與鏤空的弦月佇立於長夜星空下。 內頁,輕輕取出《東海岸月光下》的CD唱盤,仍是一輪杏黃滿月,映照著版畫雕刻的月河與海上花,潮來潮往,從未停歇。 8張圓形手寫歌詞頁,8種顏色月光歌詞盤,隨著聽者的心情意境,更換不同鏤空弦月的月色。自在手寫字體,傳達「BenQ 東海岸音樂創作營」透過音樂串連的素樸友誼。 This album was published as a tribute to the “East Coast Music Camp”, which was held by BenQ Foundation in Taiwan in 2014. Because the music camp took place during a lunar eclipse, an album package was designed that illustrates the east coast of Taiwan during those special nights. The paper texture conveys a sense of the rugged landscape where the camp was held correspondingly, the material is eco-friendly. The album cover features a cut-out in the shape of the moon. Depending on their mood, consumers can change the colour of the half moon with the help of accompanying colour discs. Art Design:呂瑋嘉 Wei Chia Lu、賴佳韋 David Lai